

My name is Mandy, I am 30 years old and live in Cologne. I have an incredible amount of interests and am extremely curious and thoughtful. Whether it's cryptos and investments in general, current world events, or my passion for discovering new places and traveling - I'm always looking for new experiences and insights. Politics and social media trends fascinate me as much as wildlife and nature documentaries. I like to think outside the box and look at things from different perspectives. In doing so, I also often have a more controversial attitude towards certain topics. I often find my peace in spending time alone and letting my thoughts run free. I imagine myself as an old lady living somewhere in the south, perhaps in France or Italy, in a house surrounded by greenery. The sea is nearby, and a beautiful rose garden stretches behind my house. I enjoy good food and good company, and spend my ideal life with lots of free time, learning, and managing my own wealth, because my ultimate goal is to work only for myself, rather than for others. And that's best until I'm 40. Lots of free time and (financial) independence are the epitome of freedom and satisfaction for me. For a long time, I've been thinking about finding a way to somehow capture or discuss the topics that occupy my mind as well as all the content I consume on a daily basis that shapes my world of thoughts. My head is full of ideas and thoughts, and there is so much happening in the world every day that I can hardly keep up. That's why I decided to start this newsletter. Here I want to compile content, edit it or just recommend it to interested fellow human beings. It is a way for me to process all this. I am in an exciting phase of life right now. At 30, I feel like I'm in the "prime of my life" and am open and curious about what the future holds. I want to escape the "hamster wheel" and preferably connect with like-minded people, even though I am an extreme introvert. Even though there are already many influencers and content creators (in my opinion, this market is oversaturated, but what do I know), I still think that there is only one Mandy, that there is only one me. Each person is unique, and I decided to share my world of thoughts, both for myself and as an experiment to see if maybe something "greater" can come of it. What makes me tick is just as special as each and every one of us. So what's wrong with just trying? So... here I am. Every day I am insanely busy. I think about a wide variety of topics, I'm always fascinated and inspired, entertained, and also like to get excited about current issues. This newsletter is now my platform, my medium, to broadcast everything that keeps me busy at the moment. And maybe one or the other would like to dive into a conversation? I look forward to sharing this journey and exploring exciting topics together! Greetings, Mandy