CBDCs, BTC, Superconductors & more

Exploring CBDCs, Bitcoin, Superconductors, and Personal Growth in a Changing World

Exploring CBDCs, Bitcoin, Superconductors, and Personal Growth in a Changing World


In today's rapidly evolving world, information and narratives hold immense power in shaping our choices and decisions. Governments and corporations often use these narratives to promote solutions that may not be in our best interest. In this blog post, we delve into a variety of topics, from the battle between Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and Bitcoin to the fascinating world of superconductors and the importance of personal growth. Join us as we uncover the potential of Bitcoin as a monetary solution, the impact of interest rates and inflation on the economy, and the uncertainties faced by the Federal Reserve. Along the way, we'll also explore global factors affecting inflation and how embracing stillness and rest can lead to hidden treasures in our lives.

What I read today:

My notes on it 👇🏼

The power of narrative:

  • History shows that established powers can control narratives to promote inferior solutions.

  • Governments and corporations are able to spread narratives that lead citizens to choose an inferior alternative, even when a better product exists.

CBDC vs. Bitcoin Battle:

  • Central banks are moving forward with the development of digital central bank currencies (CBDCs) to keep digital payments out of the hands of the private sector.

  • The battle between CBDCs and Bitcoin is not just about product superiority, but also about winning hearts and minds.

Educate others about Bitcoin:

  • To accelerate Bitcoin adoption, Bitcoiners must develop a deeper understanding of the educational process and the gap between their perspective and that of the average citizen.

  • The ideological battlefield is critical to the fate of Bitcoin; many may reject it in favor of CBDCs on purely ideological grounds.

The importance of the ideological battle:

  • Victory for Bitcoin is possible, but it depends on winning the ideological battle.

  • The educational effort is enormous, but necessary in the face of central bank propaganda.

  • The gap between monetary explanations and people's views on money is huge, so education is essential.

Bitcoin's potential:

  • Bitcoin can be a panacea for many monetary problems caused by fiat money and CBDCs.

  • The battle for Bitcoin's success is ideological, and Bitcoiners must work to convince others of the benefits and importance of Bitcoin.

What I saw today:

Here are my notes on it:

  • Potential Higher Interest Rates: The Federal Reserve may need to raise interest rates higher than expected due to early signs of inflation shock. The FED's commitment to bringing inflation back to the target level (2%) and reducing the balance sheet will influence future decisions.

  • Inflation Concerns: Core inflation remains around 5%, and headline inflation is becoming volatile again. The Fed is closely monitoring inflation statistics, and decisions on rate hikes will be based on the state of the economy and inflation data.

  • Impact on Economy: The rate hikes may already be impacting the economy as wage growth is slowing down despite low unemployment rates. The Fed is closely watching unemployment figures, CPI prints, and jobs reports for future decisions.

  • Challenges and Uncertainties: The Fed faces challenges and uncertainties in their decisions, including rising food costs, base effects, and uncertainties around core inflation. The Fed avoids providing too much forward guidance to reduce market uncertainty.

  • Impact on Financial System: Rising food and energy prices, along with base effects and potential CPI spikes, could lead to higher inflation expectations and additional rate hikes, causing volatility in the financial system.

  • Market Behavior: Markets can behave irrationally for longer than expected. Institutional investors should be aware of unexpected events (black swans) and be prepared for potential market disruptions.

  • Impact of Fed's Balance Sheet Reduction: The Fed's balance sheet shrinkage has not caused market disruption so far, but the issuance of longer-term government debt could have an impact.

  • Bull Market in Stocks: The ongoing bull market in stocks may influence the Fed's rate hike decisions. If the market continues to rally, further rate increases may be considered.

  • Housing Market: The Fed is working on bringing the housing market into better balance, which could also influence their rate hike decisions.

  • Global Factors: The Fed is monitoring global events, like Russia's decision to pull out of the Ukrainian grain deal, which could impact food inflation, but it's not affecting rate hikes currently.

What I listened to today:

What I liked today:

What I learned today:

“A superconductor is a material that achieves superconductivity, which is a state of matter that has no electrical resistance and does not allow magnetic fields to penetrate. An electric current in a superconductor can persist indefinitely.

Superconductivity can only typically be achieved at very cold temperatures. Superconductors have a wide variety of everyday applications, from MRI machines to super-fast maglev trains that use magnets to levitate the trains off the track to reduce friction. Researchers are now trying to find and develop superconductors that work at higher temperatures, which would revolutionize energy transport and storage.”

Random Thoughts:

Embracing stillness, and embracing moments of boredom and rest, might unveil hidden treasures we've been missing. And maybe, just maybe, by living this way ourselves, we can send a message to others that it's perfectly alright for them to take a break too. Instead of being trapped in busyness, we can liberate ourselves and feel truly free.

That’s it for today! ☺️